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MECK Pre-K is a free, high-quality pre-kindergarten program for eligible four-year-old children in Mecklenburg County. Dixon Academy hosts 4 MECK Pre-K classrooms, which are taught by licensed teachers and teacher assistants. MECK Pre-K is administered by Smart Start of Mecklenburg County and funded by Mecklenburg County. The hours for the MECK Pre K program are from 8:00 am – 2:30 pm. Dixon Academy provides transportation for families (within a 5 mile radius) and also wrap around care for before and after MECK Pre K hours (within ratio limitations). Dixon Academy hours are from 6:30 am- 6:00 pm.
Read about areas of child development below:
Social & Emotional Skills
Children are encouraged to exhibit eagerness and curiosity as learners, participate as members of the class community, use words and communication with adults to manage conflicts and follow class rules and routines.
Creative Arts
Children use art and materials for exploration and expression as well as participate in music experiences.
Scientific Thinking
Children are encouraged to ask questions and investigate through active exploration and seek answers or solutions through active problem solving.
Social Studies
Children are provided opportunities to better understand the role of self and others as members of families and communities, show an awareness of other cultures, and show an interest in caring for the environment.
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